On Africa in the Photobook
- Federica Bellin, Parallel Lines: Ben Krewinkel, Musée (September 2021)
- Jens Pepper, Afrika im Fotobuch. Fragen an den Sammler Ben Krewinkel, Photonews (July 2021)
- Azu Nwagbogu in conversation with Ben Krewinkel, in The PhotoBook Review 018 (Fall 2020)
- Juan Peraza Guerrero, Lecciones del fotolibro africano (April 2019)
- Oliver Barstow, Africa in the Photobook, ZAM Magazine (March 2019)
- Marigold Warner, Africa in the Photobook, in British Journal of Photography (September 2018)
- Africa in the Photobook: εκατόν εξήντα χρόνια σε μια διαδικτυακή συλλογή (October 2018)
- Giada de Augostinis, Africa in the Photobook. interview, in Paper-Journal (October 2017)
- Carlos Franco, 'Conheça 10 livros de fotografia africanafundamentais', in Revista Zum (July 2017)
- Este blog reúne mais de 150 livros de fotografia sobre a África (May 2017)
- Africa in the Photobook - Interview with Ben Krewinkel, in Fototata (August 2016)
- Oliver Barstow, Africa in the Photobook, ZAM Magazine (March 2019)
- Marigold Warner, Africa in the Photobook, in British Journal of Photography (September 2018)
- Africa in the Photobook: εκατόν εξήντα χρόνια σε μια διαδικτυακή συλλογή (October 2018)
- Giada de Augostinis, Africa in the Photobook. interview, in Paper-Journal (October 2017)
- Carlos Franco, 'Conheça 10 livros de fotografia africanafundamentais', in Revista Zum (July 2017)
- Este blog reúne mais de 150 livros de fotografia sobre a África (May 2017)
- Africa in the Photobook - Interview with Ben Krewinkel, in Fototata (August 2016)
- Africa through the photo-book form: ideas and concerns
about a forgotten continent (July 2016)
On Looking for M.
- 'Mozambique, from one time to another' in ZAM Magazine (August 2016)
- 'Moçambique: olhares cruzados' in Maputo Fast Forward (August 2016)
- Jeanne Mercier, Looking for M. in Diptyk n°31.
- Afrique in Visu on Looking for M. (November 2015)
- Interview on Looking for M. with Ours Magazine (September
- Dijkstra, Jorrit R., 'M. is for Mozambique' in This is
Africa (September 2015)
- Trajectum #10, Magazine School of Journalism, Utrecht
(June 2015)
- Cendoya, Gabriela, Looking for M. (May 2015)
- Thijsen, Mirelle, Beyond the Dark Continent. AConversation with Ben Krewinkel in theloggingroad (March 2015)
- Vlasveld, Gerben, 'Mozambique in spiegelbeeld' in OneWorld
#02 (March 2015)
- 'Deux photographes observant et comparant le Mozambique'
in NZATV (August 2015)
- Eromo Egbejule, 'Points of View' in Ogojji Magazine
(December 2015)
On A Possible Life. Conversations with Gualbert
- Johnston, Matt, conversation with Ben Krewinkel (video
interview) (November 2014)
- Aarsman, Hans, Maquette van het illegalendoolhof in Photoq
(June 2013)
- Meer, Anke van der, 'Het atelier van Ben Krewinkel' in
HRLM (April 2013)
- Burkhart, Marcel, 'Gualberts Leben zwischen zwei Welten'
in ZDF: (March 30th, 2013)
- Claessen, Dorien, 'Zonder Papieren' in: Wordt Vervolgd
(nr. 4 - April 2013), p. 24-27.
- Dietz, Frank, 'Ein mögliches Leben' in: Art Magazin (March
2013), p. 37-43
- 'Forum', spread on A Possible Life. in: Camera Austria 120
(December 2012)
- Pantal, Colin, Review A Possible Life. in: Photo-eye
(October 2012)
- Colberg, Joerg, Review A Possible Life. in: Conscientious
(September 2012)
- Beattie, Jonathon, Review A Possible Life. in: Foto8 (May
- 'CV-entree>>', two spreads on A Possible Life. in:
CV Koers (March 2012, No 02)
- Oktober Matthews, Katherine, Review A Possible Life. in:
GUP Magazine (March 2012)
- Hooghiemstra, Peter, 'Illegaal leven in de Bijlmer' in:
Radio Wereldomroep Nederland (January 2012)
- Meershoek, Patrick, 'Leven in de schemering' in: het Parool (18 January 2012)
- Meershoek, Patrick, 'Leven in de schemering' in: het Parool (18 January 2012)